Bottom Up Parsing

LR(1) Parser

  • Epsilon is denoted with %
  • Start symbol is the first nonterminal
  • Start symbol will be augmented with a new start, start'
  • Rules can be inputted with any production symbol (> , -> , ::= , ... any non space separated token)
  • Each token in a rule must be separated by a space
  • $ is reserved as EOF
  • Any conflicts in the grammar will show up red on the parse table
  • The Input Grammar button will build the grammar and construct the FIRST sets
  • The Build State Machine button will build the finite automaton
  • Click the top right box in the parse tables to remove them
  • Click 'Set' to start/reset parsing
  • The 'Next step' button will parse the next input and highlight the current states in the stack

LALR(1) Parser